Payment taken and no order confirmation
If you have not received an email confirmation containing your order number, it is probable that your order was not successfully processed. In such an event, we recommend checking your email spam or junk folder to verify that the confirmation email has not been inadvertently routed there.
While the funds will appear as deducted from your account, they will be placed in a pending state. This occurs because an attempt was made to process the payment, but due to unsuccessful processing, the funds will be returned to your account once they exit the pending status.
Typically, the most prevalent reason for a payment failure pertains to inaccuracies in the card details or billing information. This could include an incorrect billing address or an inaccurate security code.
If the funds have not been returned to your account within 3-5 business days, kindly reach out to our customer service team via the contact form on our website for further assistance.
While the funds will appear as deducted from your account, they will be placed in a pending state. This occurs because an attempt was made to process the payment, but due to unsuccessful processing, the funds will be returned to your account once they exit the pending status.
Typically, the most prevalent reason for a payment failure pertains to inaccuracies in the card details or billing information. This could include an incorrect billing address or an inaccurate security code.
If the funds have not been returned to your account within 3-5 business days, kindly reach out to our customer service team via the contact form on our website for further assistance.
Updated on: 03/11/2023
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