Where is my order?
Upon the dispatch of your order, you will receive an email containing crucial details concerning the designated courier service responsible for delivering your package. Additionally, a unique tracking number will be provided for your convenience.
For orders dispatched via DPD, you can effortlessly monitor the progress of your delivery by visiting:
Once there, kindly enter your tracking number in the 'Track Your Parcel' section and select 'Track.' If you encounter any challenges in obtaining delivery information, we recommend reaching out to DPD at 0121 275 0500, where their knowledgeable team stands ready to assist you.
In the case of pallet deliveries through APC, you can stay informed about your shipment by contacting 01604 700400.
Navigate to the 'Track IT' option and input your delivery postcode with a space, followed by your RI reference, found under 'Consignment No.' If the tracking information is unclear regarding the expected delivery date, please do not hesitate to contact Xtra Express at 01600 700 400 for further assistance.
It is essential to highlight that if you have chosen a delivery option with a duration of 3-5 or 5-7 working days, your order will be routed through a booking service. The courier company entrusted with the delivery will not initiate the delivery process until a booking has been confirmed. Typically, they will make contact within 1-2 working days after dispatch to coordinate a suitable delivery appointment. If you happen to miss their initial contact attempt, we recommend using the provided contact number to promptly arrange your delivery.
For orders dispatched via DPD, you can effortlessly monitor the progress of your delivery by visiting:
Once there, kindly enter your tracking number in the 'Track Your Parcel' section and select 'Track.' If you encounter any challenges in obtaining delivery information, we recommend reaching out to DPD at 0121 275 0500, where their knowledgeable team stands ready to assist you.
In the case of pallet deliveries through APC, you can stay informed about your shipment by contacting 01604 700400.
Navigate to the 'Track IT' option and input your delivery postcode with a space, followed by your RI reference, found under 'Consignment No.' If the tracking information is unclear regarding the expected delivery date, please do not hesitate to contact Xtra Express at 01600 700 400 for further assistance.
It is essential to highlight that if you have chosen a delivery option with a duration of 3-5 or 5-7 working days, your order will be routed through a booking service. The courier company entrusted with the delivery will not initiate the delivery process until a booking has been confirmed. Typically, they will make contact within 1-2 working days after dispatch to coordinate a suitable delivery appointment. If you happen to miss their initial contact attempt, we recommend using the provided contact number to promptly arrange your delivery.
Updated on: 15/11/2023
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