Articles on: Products & Features

How do I find out whether the car/bike is suitable for my child?

We endeavour to furnish comprehensive information to assist customers in determining the appropriateness of our models for their end users.

Recognizing the inherent variability in individual child development and growth rates, we acknowledge that relying solely on a maximum user age may pose challenges in accurate judgment.

To facilitate informed decisions, we meticulously specify not only the maximum user age but also the corresponding height and weight for each model. This multifaceted approach aims to simplify the evaluation process for customers.

For your convenience, I have included an image below depicting a product listing. You will find detailed information, including maximum user age, height, and weight, under the "General Features"
dropdown for each item. If you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.!


Updated on: 16/11/2023

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